
Image of an industrial operation with several smokestacks billowing smoke.

Net Zero is a False Narrative and a Dangerous Trap

By Diana Curiel and Sandy Emerson | September 5, 2023

Carbon capture technologies are being used to justify increasing oil production, and delay the inevitable and essential transition to clean energy. They are risky, energy intensive, and expensive. Instead, we need to use our financial resources to accelerate the transition to renewable and clean energy, and lower our carbon emissions by reducing our reliance on fossil fuels.

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Collage graphic. Across a photo of an Oakland City building is screenshot of a headline that reads, "Opinion: Divest California public employee pensions from fossil fuels. Ending CalPERS and CalSTRS funding of this industry is critical to meet local, national and international goals." At right is a headshot of Oakland City Attorney Barbara J. Parker.

Oakland City Attorney comes out in strong support of SB 252, California’s fossil fuel divestment bill

By Fossil Free California | June 14, 2023

Oakland City Attorney Barbara J. Parker’s op-ed reads: “Divesting from fossil fuel companies is the right thing to do to protect California’s frontline and fenceline communities. Due to long legacies of systemic racism, these communities are disproportionately impacted by climate change, climate harm, and pollution. The Legislature must pass SB 252 this year. This bill is both financially prudent and essential to meeting our collective climate goals.”

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A photo of the California State Capitol building

What is Climate Accountability Bill Package?

By Fossil Free California | May 15, 2023

The Climate Accountability package comprises 3 transformational bills that will ensure we are meeting the climate crisis with strong data, financial transparency, risk mitigation, and in the case of our public pensions, divestment of $14 billion of fossil fuel funds. Learn more with these informative graphics from California Environmental Voters. Your Voice Matters! State Assembly…

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Photo that shows a closeup of a person's hands stacking coins in increasingly larger stacks, with seedlings on top of each stack.

Financial outcomes from divesting from fossil fuels

By UC Berkeley Economics Professor Clair Brown, Sandy Emerson, Sara Theiss and Glenn Fieldman | May 8, 2023

Screening out fossil fuel stocks has not had a significant impact on returns for global, well-diversified portfolios — in fact over the past 12 years, an index without fossil fuels outperformed its most similar index with fossil fuels, and two separate studies by found that divestment actions taken by funds worldwide have passed the prudence tests required of fiduciaries. An additional academic study spanning decades that included previous oil price spikes found no significant difference in performance between portfolios with and without fossil fuels.

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Meet the California Fossil Fuel Divestment Coalition!

By Fossil Free California | May 2, 2023

Now with over 140 labor unions and organizations in support, the California Fossil Fuel Divestment Coalition is building support in every corner of the state for SB 252, which will divest California’s public pensions from fossil fuels.

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Photo of Fiona Ma, California State Treasurer.

State Treasurer Fiona Ma Issues Statement to Support Divestment Legislation following CalPERS Board Meeting

By Shana DeClercq | March 16, 2023

Divestment sends a message to companies that have shown little interest in seriously addressing a problem that places human existence in peril for the sake of profits: time’s up. This legislation gives our pension funds the necessary time to prudently plan for divestment, including identifying suitable investment alternatives.

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Información del proyecto de ley del Senado (SB) 252

By Fossil Free California | March 13, 2023

¿Por qué es fundamental apoyar el proyecto de ley SB 252? Ahora, en el 2024, es tiempo de acabar con la contaminación de los combustibles fósiles que destruye nuestras comunidades y contamina nuestro aire, suelo y agua. TE NECESITAMOS para ayudar a aprobar el proyecto de ley SB 252 y desinvertir las pensiones públicas de…

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Photo of founding members of Fossil Free California, standing behind the large concrete CalPERS building sign, holding up the individual letters that spell out, "DIVEST."

The Seeds for Our Victory in 2023 — Planted in That Day 2013

By Deborah Silvey | February 10, 2023

What has kept us so committed to Fossil Free California since these early years? A sense of the urgency of climate change propelled our growth, even while we were  a small, wholly volunteer organization. We also had early success: in 2015 we were part of the coalition that helped pass Senate Bill 185, mandating divestment from thermal coal companies by both CalPERS and CalSTRS.

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Photo. Firefighter is shown in silhouette against flames in background.

Promises, Promises: Evaluating CalPERS’ Climate Engagements

By Clair Brown and Sandy Emerson | November 7, 2022

This report looks at CalPERS’ proxy voting patterns and companies’ reports on greenhouse gas emissions to determine the effects of engagement. The report concludes that engagement alone is unlikely to convince fossil fuel companies to transform at the speed and scale required.

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A group of diverse protesters is gathered outdoors, holding signs and banners advocating for fossil fuel divestment.

New report reveals California pensions CalPERS, CalSTRS vote NO on Big Oil shareholder climate resolutions

By CJ Koepp | June 8, 2022

The retirement systems’ failed shareholder engagement efforts with fossil fuel companies has cost their members $11.9 billion in returns California — A report released today from Fossil Free California reveals that California’s public pensions voted to oppose climate action at major fossil fuel companies and financiers during the 2022 Annual General Meeting season. This exposé…

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