What is Climate Accountability Bill Package?
The Climate Accountability package comprises 3 transformational bills that will ensure we are meeting the climate crisis with strong data, financial transparency, risk mitigation, and in the case of our public pensions, divestment of $14 billion of fossil fuel funds.
- SB 252 (Gonzalez) will divest the state’s public pension funds – CalSTRS and CalPERS – from fossil fuels.
- SB 253 (Weiner) will ensure that billion dollar companies doing business in California will disclose their entire emissions for the life cycle of their products.
- SB 261 (Stern) requires corporations, financial institutions and other businesses incorporated in California, with at least $500 million in revenues, to annually disclose to the California Air Resources Board their climate-related financial risk.
Learn more with these informative graphics from California Environmental Voters.

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State Assembly members and Senators are people just like you and me. They care about what issues are important to their community, and their constituents should hold them accountable for the things that are important to them. Advocacy is important and something more people should participate in.
When an office gets hundreds of calls, letters, and meetings about a particular issue that brings the issues to the forefront of the member’s attention.
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